Just before I left the UK to move to Guatemala in 2020, my friend Steph gave me a reading as a parting gift. She ran the Wellness Centre that I had worked in for the previous few years, and she had been opening up and offering this Mediumistic gift that had been knocking on her door loudly too.
By this point, in my own Shamanic work, I was having regular conversations with The Dead, as part of my work to remove intrusive Spirits from people’s energy fields, or to give it it’s proper title, Compassionate Shamanic De-Possession.
Steph and I had many conversations comparing and contrasting our most recent interactions with The Dead. We identified that we had a haunting going on in the building, as Spirits of The Dead seemed to know that there were practitioners working in the old Georgian manor house who could help them cross over to The Light. They started making themselves known to whoever could see, hear or feel them.
One particular night, I was in the building, late and on my own. I was setting up for a weekend workshop that I was running, which started first thing the following morning.
I was organising materials into piles and wrapping things up into little gift bags for my students, which we would be using in the workshop.
Twice that evening, I came back into the workshop room and my piles of things had been moved! Steph then mentioned that she had felt and heard the presence of Spirits of The Dead in the building too, and so had another practitioner. Their experiences had both been in Room Five, a small lesser-used treatment room that was next to the big workshop room that I was setting up in.
So I had a conversation with my guides about what was going on in the building, and they confirmed that there were indeed Spirits of The Dead loitering about.
Initially, this was a surprise to me, as every day when I started and finished work, I energetically cleaned the room that I was working in, as well as the whole building.
All my teachers were very hot on teaching principles and practises of Spiritual Hygiene, and so I have always cleaned every space I have worked in, before and after, as well as the bigger area around it too.
The Manor House that was the Wellness Centre had two large Yoga studios downstairs, one upstairs, and several treatment rooms upstairs too.
My Guides told me that Spirits of The Dead that were attached to anyone who came into the building, for yoga or fitness classes, treatments or therapy sessions, were gathering in Room Five to wait for the regular cleansing rituals done by me to help them to cross over. Because Room Five was used the least, this had somehow been designated as their Waiting Room for The Dead, to await their weekly opportunities for Transition!
So at that point, I decided to install an Angel into Room Five.
For many years, I had worked closely with Archangel Ezekiel, The Angel of Death. He would take the Souls of The Dead to The Light when they were ready to cross over.
It is worth understanding that when people die, they have the opportunity to cross over to The Light upon Death. But they will only do this if they are At Peace with their Life. Many are not At Peace, and so miss this initial opportunity to cross over. They are then stuck, Earth-Bound, until somebody with the right skillset can hear them and help them. But many Spirits of The Dead stay attached to The Living, or haunting areas, buildings or houses, because they cannot Transition themselves. They need the help of The Living to advocate for them, often to help them come To Peace, and then request spiritual help to accomplish the actual Transition.
Archangel Ezekiel is my Ally who does this Soul Transition work.
And because Angels are multi-dimensional beings who exist outside of Time and Space, they can be in many places at once simultaneously.
So I asked Archangel Ezekiel to get comfortable, and take up permanent residence in Room Five, and to immediately Transition any Spirits of The Dead who jumped off our incoming clientele, seeking help in crossing over!
By this time I had discovered from conversations with my Mother, that her Grandfather George had killed himself by jumping off a bridge in London, which explained the soaking wet Suicide Ghost Ancestor, who always turned up at the Clairvoyant Readings.
Despite having had many conversations with Steph about The Dead, I had never mentioned ‘The Suicides’ to her. But sure enough, in the reading she did for me just before I left for Guatemala, all three of them rocked up - the little macabre gang - like an ominous warning.
Steph described each of them, asking me “Who’s George? Did he jump off a bridge?”
“Yes” I replied, “George is my Great-Grandfather on my Mother’s side, and yes, he jumped off a bridge in London.”
By this point, I had had so much evidence provided to me about the existence of Spirits in general, that I was no longer surprised by this kind of spiritual confirmation, nor did it rock my Reality Paradigm. In fact it just cemented it further.
But by far my biggest confirmation came from an experience where I became possessed by the Spirt of a Deceased rock climber at the notorious, ancient and huge pile of large rocks and boulders in Yorkshire known as Almscliff Crag.