Shamanic Treasure Trail

Year-Long Online
Vision Quest Adventure

  • Monthly LIVE Group Teaching Calls

  • Monthly LIVE Group Q&A Calls

  • REPLAYS of ALL Calls if you can't make the Live Calls 

  •  TWO Shamanic Initiations 

  • Monthly Shamanic Transmission

  • Private Membership Group

  • Weekly Email Clues

  • Monthly Themes, Teachings & Challenges  

  • BONUS - Soul Retrieval Online Course

  • BONUS - Interviews

  • BONUS - 15% Discount Code for ALL One-To-One Shamanic Session Bookings with Joanna Joy


“Through the trials of the vision quest, we awaken our inner fire and embrace our inner gifts.” — Tom Cowan

"I can’t begin to tell you how fabulous Joanna Joy is to work with. The best shamanic teacher I ever had."


"I signed up to a Shamanic process to learn about the cycles of nature. From here began my journey into energy, shamanism, healing and freedom. Never underestimate the power of just one small decision to change your life."


Shamanic Treasure Trail


  • Are you drawn to Shamanism but don’t know where to start? 

  • Do you have a love for Nature and a Spiritual Thirst, but want guidance on how to deepen those connections using Ancient Shamanic Wisdom and Knowledge? 

  • Perhaps you are already on the Path but wish to explore further on your Personal Journey into Shamanism? 

  • Maybe you are seeking like-minded Community to bring companionship to your spiritual path and opportunities to nurture soul-based bonds with kindred spirits?

  • Are you ready to embark upon a Personal Spiritual Adventure that will guide you through the Shamanic Wilderness to Stalk your own Soul Path, introducing you to your personal Spiritual Guides and Allies, offering you Teachings, Practises and Healing, so that you can discover your own Spiritual Destiny?


If you have answered YES to any of these questions, then this Shamanic Treasure Trail is for you!!


Everyone loves a Treasure Hunt, right?!


This Year-Long Online Vision Quest Adventure will take you on an exciting journey to pick up clues, sniff out your Soul Path, align yourself with the natural seasonal rhythms of the Northern Hemisphere, and discover the Shamanic Treasure Trail that your own Soul has laid out for you, whilst meeting a range of Trail Guides and Helpers who will guide you on your way. 

Whether you are new to Shamanism or you are a seasoned traveller on the Shamanic Highways and Byways, this Year-Long Adventure will meet you where you are at, and help you to sniff out the next leg of your own Soul's Journey.

“Whether you’re at a major turning point in your life, reflecting on your decisions in a time of crisis, or just wondering what truths about yourself are lying dormant, there are few better ways to find the answers than going on a vision quest.” — Luke Sholl

Wolf has volunteered to be our Main Trail Guide and Pack Leader for this Adventure

  • Wolf is a Scout and a Guide, a Guardian and a Protector. 

  • Wolf is a Teacher and Community Leader.

  • Wolf has powerful senses to sniff out the Trail and to stalk his prey.

  • Wolf has strong reserves of energy and strength to keep going when the terrain gets tough.

  • Wolf is flexible and adaptable to survive and thrive in many challenging environments.

  • Wolf knows the benefits of travelling alone as well as the strength and power of the Pack.


If my howl to gather this Wolf Pack for an Adventure in the Shamanic Wilderness has touched your Soul, then you are very welcome to come and join us!

“A quest of any kind is a heroic journey. It is a rite of passage that carries you to an inner place of silence and majesty and encourages you to live life more courageously and genuinely.” — Denise Linn

My name is Joanna Joy and I will be your Clue Master, dropping you weekly Clues and introducing the Shamanic Themes, Teachings and Challenges for each step of this Adventure

"Highly recommend Joanna Joy - she works with integrity and soul. I have done two courses with her and absolutely recommend her."


"Little did I know when I stepped onto the path of the Wild Witch 5 years ago, where my journey would lead me. Thank you to Joanna Joy who introduced me to Shamanic practise and helped me find Crow on that day. He has become my constant guide and companion and was with me today as I graduated as a Shamanic Practitioner!"


“The vision quest calls us to shed our old selves and embrace our true essence.” — Sun Bear

Your own Spiritual Guides and Teachers, will bring you the Signs, Symbols, Messages and Gifts of Power for you to map out and discover your own Personal Shamanic Soul Path.


You will be taking this adventure along with a Tribe of other Shamanic Soul Path Seekers, and so you will have a Community Wolf Pack to connect with, to gain support and companionship on this journey, to share your challenges with,as well as your discoveries and victories.


You will learn the Power of the Lone Wolf, as well as the Power of The Pack.


Together we will Stalk Our Shamanic Soul Paths, gathering Power and Medicine, giving support and encouragement to each other to stay the distance, as well as providing accountability to maintain our determination when the Trail gets tough or we lose our way.


  • Live Monthly Group Zoom Calls
    (FIRST THURSDAY of every month,
    10am-12pm CST,
    4-6pm UK Winter Time
    5-7pm UK Summer Time

  • Live Monthly Q&A Zoom Calls
    (THIRD THURSDAY of every month,
    10am-12pm CST,
    4-6pm UK Winter Time
    5-7pm UK Summer Time

  • REPLAYS of ALL Zoom Calls, to catch up at your own convenience, if you can't make the Live Calls

  • Private Online Community Membership Group to connect with your Wolf Pack 

  •  TWO Shamanic Initiations

  •  Monthly Shamanic Transmission

  • Weekly Clues to guide you on each leg of your journey

  • Monthly Themes, Teachings and Challenges for you to engage in seeking out and gathering your own Personal Power & Medicine

  • Opportunities to strengthen your own Soul, and discover your Soul Path and Purpose

  • Opportunities to meet your Spiritual Guides & Allies and to deepen those connections and relationships

  • Opportunities to confront and overcome your Fears and Shadows

  • BONUS 1 - Soul Retrieval Online Course

  • BONUS 2 - Shamanic Journeying Mini-Course 

  • BONUS 3 - Interviews

  • BONUS 4 - 15% Discount Code for ALL One-To-One Shamanic Session Bookings with Joanna Joy



Shamanic Initiation Ceremony
Radical Acts Of Self Love
Self-Care Strategies
The Medicine Wheel


Spirit Connection & Communication
Shamanic Journeying
Soul Retrieval
Boundaries & Balance


The Shamanic Kingdoms
Stones, Plants & Animals
The Ancestors
Power & Protection

To take your place on this Year-Long Vision Quest Adventure into the Shamanic Wilderness...




Enrolment is open until
Midnight, 31st December 2024

Don't miss out on this adventure...


EARLY-BIRD OFFER ENDS midnight, 14th December (Pacific Standard Time)









Frequently Asked Questions

This is NOT a Certified Professional Training. 

This is a Personal Soul Journey of inner and outer exploration, discovery and empowerment, within the context of Shamanism.

You will not get any form of qualification or a piece of paper from this expedition.

You cannot quantify or qualify this type of journey.

A Vision Quest, if done with commitment and willingness to the process will give you so much more than you could ever hope to achieve, or that I could possibly be able to anticipate.

We are journeying into the Great Mystery, and none of us knows what awaits us there!



While there will be many teachings and challenges offered in this Vision Quest, there is no requirement to complete any of it.

You can go at your own pace, pick and choose which aspects you want to engage with, see what calls to you and what inspires you.

You will be able to download all the Vision Quest Content throughout the year, to work through in your own time, if the pace of the journey is not aligning with your life demands at each stage.

You will also receive access to a file containing ALL the Vision Quest content at the end, so you can continue working with the teachings, challenges and materials after our Year-Long journey has finished.

The Shamanic Treasure Trail of your own life never really ends, as long as you are paying attention to the messages from your own Soul and your Spiritual Guides.

This Vision Quest gives you the knowledge and tools of how to more effectively communicate with your inner and outer guidance, and these will be tools you can continue to use and work with for the rest of your life.

How much you get out of the experience will directly relate to how much you put into it, but it is entirely up to you to gauge that output of effort according to how much spare time, attention and energy you have or that you want to give to the process.

I started my Shamanic training at the Lodge of the Singing Stones, in Derbyshire, UK, which has now changed it’s name to the Centre For Shamanic Arts.

My Apprentice Guide and Teacher for 3 years of my Shamanic Apprenticeship there was Carole Youngson, who ran the Lodge of the Singing Stones for 20 years. 

I had other teachers while there too, Pete Edwards and Elaine Casey.

The content of the teachings and traditional ceremonies were drawn from several North American nations, notably Lakota, Hopi and Navajo.

Through my apprenticeship with Carole Youngson, I learned how to practise and hold many traditional Healing ceremonies such as Womb Clearing, Cord-Cutting, Prayer Pipe, and Sweatlodge ceremonies.

I also learned many Personal ceremonies during my Apprenticeship, such as the Flowering Tree and Forgiveness ceremonies.

I participated in Vision Quest and Eagle Dance Ceremonies with my Teaching Lodge during this time too.


After completing 3 years of Shamanic Apprenticeship at the Lodge of the Singing Stones, I trained with the Sacred Trust in One-To-One therapeutic methods in Shamanic Healing - Shamanic Practitioner Training.

My teacher at the Sacred Trust was Simon Buxton, the founder of the Trust.

I learned many techniques in Classical Shamanism, which are drawn from several different traditions, as Simon teaches them.

The main techniques taught within the Core-Shamanism framework come from the life-work of Michael Harner (now deceased) and his Foundation For Shamanic Studies, who Simon trained with.

These include the practises of drum-based Shamanic Journeying, Power Retrieval, Soul Retrieval, Shamanic Extraction and Psychopomp work.

Betsy Bergstrom was Simon’s teacher for the De-Possession and Curse-Unravelling teachings.

And she drew her lineage from Scandinavian Seidr and Tibetan Bon Shamanism.


I have done a lot of work with Family and Systemic Constellations with various different teachers and facilitators, through the western system established by Bert Hellinger, which he  originally learned in South Africa from the Zulu traditions of Ancestor Worship and Ancestral Healing.


I also learned another method and system of Ancestral Healing with Christina Pratt, who founded the Last Mask Centre in New York, USA.  Her shamanic work is a synthesis of studies with Ecuadorian, Tibetan, Tamang, and African shamans, the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, the Centre for Intuitive Energy Processing, and personal shamanic experience.


I have worked with her methods extensively and I adapted and built upon this methodolgy for use in Past-Life and Karmic Healing, with the guidance and direction from my own Spirit Teachers.


Since arriving in Guatemala, nearly 4 years ago, I have been immersing myself into the indigenous Mayan Cosmovision, spiritual practises and ceremonies, as passed down through the indigenous Mayan shamanic lineages.


My first Mayan teacher has been a man named Pedro Pop Gonzalez, a wise plant and dream shaman, who comes from a long patriarchal ancestral lineage of un-officiated shamen.

Pedro’s father was a renowned healer in the region who specialised in removing spirits from people.  Pedro’s grandfather was a sorcerer, and the stories Pedro has told me about his grandfather’s abilities are straight out of a Carlos Castaneda novel!

The officially trained and ordained shamen in the Mayan tradition are known as Tatas (male) and Nanas (female), and they preside over the main Healing and Fire Ceremonies of the Maya.

More recently I have been invited to attend a regular Mayan Fire Ceremony by my neighbour Tata Viento, who run’s our town’s regular Mayan Fire Ceremonies, with all the town’s Tatas and Nanas - ordained and in training - every 13 days.  These regular ceremonies are opportunities to learn the ways of the Mayan Cosmovision by participating in the group ceremonies, for personal and collective healing.  You cannot just decide to become a Tata or Nana if you are a foreigner here.  You must wait to be invited, and regular attendance is a positive step down that road.  And so I feel like my invitation to attend these ceremonies by Tata Viento is a tentative beginning of an apprenticeship into the official Mayan Shamanic tradition.  And the learning continues !


There are many other spiritual and healing traditions that were stepping stones, paving the way for me into the realms of Shamanism, and they are still a foundation for my Shamanic practice and understanding - I have been a Reiki Master for nearly 25 years, initiating hundreds of students into Reiki over the years. I completed a two year diploma in Crystal Healing.  I consider myself to be a lay Herbalist and Plant Spirit Medicine practitioner - self-taught and with 4 years of experience working in a Herbal Apothecary.  I have extensive experience in working with animals, spiritually and practically.  The Animal Kingdom has provided me with a huge amount of companionship and learning experiences throughout my life, with a great variety of animals blessing me with their medicine, as I have done what I could to assist them in both Life and Death.

I consider myself to be a self-taught Hedge Witch, as within the European context, that label always fitted me more comfortably than Shaman.  Although really, I consider them to be one and the same.  These are the additional pathways that have shaped my spiritual experiences, outlook and practise, and that flavour my offerings in a unique way.

I can't wait to take this Vision Quest Adventure with you, if the time is right and the prevailing winds are favourable!


Much Love

Joanna Joy xx
(She-Wolf !!)


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