Sacred Death Rites

  • Soul Transition

  • Ceremonial Healing

  • Compassionate De-Possession

  • Grief Ritual

  • Soul Journey Membership (Coming Soon)

  • Personal Death Preparation

Sacred Rites Of Passage Through Death

This is a Shamanic Pathway to help You and your Deceased Loved One come to Peace with their passing and assist them to Transition to The Light if needed.

Death is a profound Rite of Passage for the Souls of both the Living and the Deceased, and once a person has permanently left their body, they become a Beloved Ancestor.

When the body of a person has died, there are a few things that can happen to their Soul, depending on how they died, and whether or not they were At Peace with their Life when they passed.

If someone was not At Peace in their life when they died, their Soul is very unlikely to be At Peace now that they have passed, and it is the job of the Living to do the work to care for the Souls of the Deceased, to bring them To Peace so that they can Transition to The Light.

In Shamanic terms, a Good Death is one where the complete Soul of the Deceased person Transitions straight over to The Light, very often assisted and accompanied by their own Compassionate and Luminous Ancestors, Guardian Angels and Guiding Spirits.

In this ideal scenario, they are At Peace with their Life and their Death, their Life choices, experiences and relationships.

They merge back into The Light and they become a Compassionate and Luminous Ancestor, bringing Deep Love and Blessings, Powerful Protection, Guidance and Wisdom to their Living Ancestors.

This is, of course, the ideal scenario. 

It is, however, very rare nowadays that this is actually what happens. 

Due to the lack of good spiritual care for our Souls during Life in Western culture, it is more common that the Souls of the Deceased do not Transition to The Light.


Very often, Transition does NOT occur 

  • If they did not die in a peaceful way

  • If they were not At Peace with their Life by the time they died

  • If they died under heavy medication, intoxication or mental impairment

  • If they have unresolved issues outstanding from their Life

Sacred Rites Of Passage Through Death

The following individual offerings make up the body of Shamanic Healing work that are Sacred Rites Of Passage Through Death, and are offered specifically to assist the Transition of the Deceased if this has not happened naturally when they died.

  • Soul Transition

  • Ceremonial Healing

  • Compassionate De-Possession

  • Grief Ritual


In this situation, if Transition does not occur, they essentially become a Ghost Ancestor, and a few things can then happen - 

  • Their Soul can float around, stuck in the energetic overlay of our Living Reality - either in the immediate area of their Death, or it can return to a place that feels safe, like their home or a place that they loved.

  • Their Soul can attach to another Living person - either whoever was nearby when they died, or they can seek out their Living loved ones and attach to them.

  • If they had a particularly traumatic Death, their Souls can fragment and different pieces can end up with different living people or in places that were special for them.

Soul Fragmentation can happen during Life as well as in Death, and so if the person was suffering from a lot of Soul Loss / Soul Fragmentation in Life, then this can carry over into Death, and their Soul will be fragmented and scattered after Death as well. 

Soul Transition

Cost - £25 for a Distance Healing Session

The purpose of a Soul Transition Session is to

  • Find out what has happened to the Soul of your Deceased Loved One

  • Gather up all their Soul Pieces, if needed

  • Find out what their Soul needs to be At Peace and willing to Transition

  • Help them to Transition to The Light if they are ready


Sometimes, the Soul of your Deceased Loved One needs more assistance to be At Peace than can be achieved in this short session. 

They may have more complex requirements if they had a particularly hard or traumatic life, or if they had many unresolved issues.

They may require some kind of additional Ceremonial Healing work or Shamanic Healing for their Soul, before they are happy to Transition.

In this situation, the Ancestral Transition Session will identify what the next steps need to be, which could include ...

  • Ceremonial Healing

  • Compassionate  De-Possession

  • Grief Ritual

Ceremonial Healing

No Additional Cost

Sometimes the Soul of the Deceased requires some kind of Ceremony or Ritual to be performed by the Living, to bring their Soul to Peace.

If this is the case, this would be identified in the Ancestral Transition Session, and once the required Ritual has been completed by you; the Living Advocate for your Deceased Loved one, then Transition may happen spontaneously during the Ritual, or will be quickly and easily achieved immediately afterwards.

If it is found that this additional step is needed, then you will be given simple instructions for the Ritual that you will need to do and how to perform the Soul Transition for your Loved One at the end of the Soul Transition Session. 

This is all included within the cost of a Soul Transition Session.

Compassionate De-Possession

Cost - £100 for a 2-Hour Compassionate De-Possession Session

While the term 'Possession' conjures up hair-raising scenes from Hollywood horror films such as The Excorsist, the reality of Compassionate Shamanic De-Possession work could not be further from this scary fiction.  It is, in fact, a deeply loving and beautiful process to bring Souls to Peace, whatever their pains, traumas or challenges in Life happened to be.

In the situation where the Soul of the Deceased is attached to one or more Living people, then Compassionate Shamanic De-Possession work is required, to help their Soul to come to Peace, and be willing to voluntarily leave the body(s) of the Living and Transition to The Light. 

There can often be additional Shamanic Healing work that the Soul of the Deceased needs in order to come to Peace, and be willing to Transition, and this is all identified and completed within the Compassionate De-Possession session. 

It may also be the case that Grief Ritual work is needed, and if so, they can be combined.

If this pathway is needed for your Deceased Loved One, it will be identified within the Soul Transition session that we start with. 

Grief Ritual

Cost - £100 For 2 Shamanic Consultation Sessions

If the Soul of the Deceased is tightly attached to one of their Living Loved Ones, further Grief Ritual work may be needed to help both Souls come to peace with the Death, and to let go of one another.

Death is a Sacred Rite Of Passage for the Living just as much as it is for the Dead or Dying, and the Living can hold onto the Souls of the Dead and prevent them from Transitioning, as much as the Souls of the Dead can cling on to Life and the Living.

A big part of Ancestral Transition healing work is to compassionately help both the Living and the Dead to let go of one another and graciously allow each other to move into the next chapter of each of their own Souls' Journeys.

When the Souls of the Living and the Dead hold onto one another, they are both stuck in a place of limbo and stagnation, unable to Live nor move on.

Ancestral Transition is a better outcome for both the Living and the Dead.

Being a Ghost Ancestor, trapped in the realm of the Living, but mostly unseen and unacknowledged, is a form of torment for the Deceased Soul because they are stuck with all their pain and trauma from Life, but are unable to advocate or negotiate for their own healing.  They depend upon the Living to do this healing work for them.  This was traditionally done in all ancient and Indigenous cultures.  Caring for the Souls of the Dead to ensure Transition was a part of all ancient traditional Funeral Rites.

When the Dead are not Transitioned, their pains and traumas can cause all sorts of physical, emotional and mental problems for the Living, especially their direct descendants.  And if this is not cleared up within one generation, these trauma patterns can develop into intergenerational trauma patterns that can travel through families, and across many generations indefinitely. 

This is why Soul Transition is so important, and why caring for the Souls of our Deceased Loved Ones needs to become a normal part of our Sacred Death Rites once more. 

It will help to restore the health of the Living by caring for the Souls of the Dead.



Grief Ritual after extended periods after loss


In the ideal scenario, Soul Transition of the Deceased is completed as soon after Death as possible. 

However, these ancient Rites Of Passage Through Death are mostly unknown in modern Western culture, after the knowledge and practise of these Rites was brutally wiped out over several hundred years of the  persecution and execution of our own Indigenous Medicine Practitioners. 

We have lost our way in how to negotiate Death in a way that serves the needs of both the Living and the Dead.

And in Western culture, Grief is not given the sacred status that it is in Traditional and Indigenous cultures, and so we are cast adrift to figure out how to Grieve on our own, whilst being expected to just get on with life as normal after the completion of their funeral.

Grieving is a deeply personal process, and different people will Grieve in different ways, and at different rates. 

Sometimes people cannot Grieve deeply and fully at the time of their loss due to other life responsibilities or commitments which demand their time and attention.

Some will even try to avoid the pain of the Grief process by distracting themselves in different ways, and may find many years later that this big well of emotion is still held within, deeply buried, but unresolved. 

Postponing Grief does not make it go away, it just puts it off until a later date.

Holding Deep Grief inside for extended periods of time can also give rise to physical, emotional and mental issues if not addressed, acknowledged and resolved.

For people who have put off the Grieving process for whatever reason, doing Grief Ritual work can help them to confront the deep pain of their loss that they couldn't deal with at the time.

How Do We Begin?

Cost - £25 for a Soul Transition Session

To find out what your Deceased Loved One needs, we always start with a Soul Transition Session, to assess the situation of their Soul and Transition them if this is easy to do.

You will be asked to give some personal details of your Deceased Loved One in a Consultation Form when you book your Session.

In a Soul Transition Session,  I do the Shamanic work absently and then email you a link where you can listen to and download an audio recording of the Session. 

If the Soul of your Deceased Loved one needs additional care to be able to Transition, this will be identified and explained within the Soul Transition session, and you can then choose how you wish to proceed based on what comes up.


Concessionary Rates available for those on a low income.

For more info on this, please email me at [email protected]

Soul Journey Membership

A Grief Ritual And Rite Of Passage Through Death

The Death of a Loved One can bring a tidal wave crashing through our lives, scattering us into chaos and uncertainty.

Grief brings with it a wide range of emotions that can surprise us from one moment to the next, feeling like we are at the push and pull of a tempestuous sea of emotions that threaten to wash us away one minute, whilst pulling us into a vortex of nothingness the next.

If you have been following my own story, you will know that my children and I have been riding these unpredictable waves of Grief this year (2023).

The thing that has held us steady and strong through all this emotional turmoil has been our Sacred Grief Rituals that have seen us through this Rite Of Passage Through Death.

When we engage with Grief as a Sacred Act of our own Soul, in service to ourselves, and in service, care and love for our departed Loved One, we step into the role of Soul Midwife, facilitating and honouring the Spiritual Gateway that connects the realms of Life and Death.

When we Grieve in a Sacred way, we bring Peace to our own Soul and to the Soul of our Loved Ones who are now on the other side of the Veil.

In navigating my own journey of Sacred Grieving, I have been blessed to have a wide range of Shamanic tools and knowledge already in my toolbox, to help me, my children and my Dearly Departed to Transition through this great gateway with Grace and Love.

In coming out the other side of this Deep Grief Journey, I have been guided by Spirit to make this knowledge and toolbox available to others to assist them  through their own Journeys of Sacred Grieving, and so I am in the process of creating a Membership offering;


A Grief Ritual and Rite of Passage Through Death


If you are interested to hear more about this Membership, as I craft and polish it, CLICK THE LINK BELOW to be added to the Waiting List and I will notify you when all the details are nailed down and the doors open.

I also recently gave an interview with the lovely Elizabeth Ashly Starns, and in it I described some of the process, practises and rituals that I did with my children, to care for the Soul of their father, who took his own life in February 2023, as well as how we cared for our own Souls through this devastating experience.

You can watch this interview BELOW


The Importance Of Death Ritual with Joanna Joy - 2023

Interview with Joanna Joy by Elizabeth Ashly Starns , on the Shamanic Healing work and Death Rituals that she did with her children after the tragic suicide of their father in February 2023.

Personal Death Preparation Package

Cost - £100 for an Initial Consultation & ALL necessary Sacred Death Rites to ensure FULL Soul Transition

Over the many years that I have worked with my clients and students, guiding them through these various Sacred Death Rites, the request has come up more than once, "Can you please make sure that my Soul is cared for and Transitioned to the Light when I die?"

As we understand the deeper implications of what may happen if our Soul is NOT cared for upon our Death, it becomes a priority to have this aspect of Soul Care factored into our potential End-Of-Life arrangements.

Just as many of us plan for our own Deaths by writing a will, talking to our Loved Ones about how we would like our funerals to be conducted, such as music played or poems read, as well as how we want our body to be given back to the Elements, making sure that our Soul is Transitioned to the Light may be an important aspect of this pre-planning.

If this is of importance to you, I do take advanced bookings for people who want to make sure that their Soul is cared for and Transitioned after their Death.

We would have a Consultation first, to discuss your needs, desires and requirements.  This can be done Face-To-Face, by email, telephone or video call,  depending on your location and preference.

This can also be arranged by an advocate if you are not well enough to be able to do a Consultation yourself.

This option may be suitable for people who have terminal diseases, degenerative diseases, end-of-life prognoses, or simply anyone who wants to know that their Soul will be looked after upon their Death.

This option can also be arranged by Family members or Loved Ones who want the Soul of their Loved One to be cared for and Transitioned upon their Death.

This Personal Death Preparation Package includes...

  • Initial Consultation 

  • Completion of ALL necessary Sacred Death Rites after Death, to ensure FULL Soul Transition to the Light


To book your Personal Death Preparation Package, please email me at [email protected] to discuss how you would like to arrange your Initial Consultation, or if you are happy with an Online Consultation through the Zoom Online Meeting Platform, you can book directly through the link BELOW.


Concessionary Rates available for those on a low income.

For more info on this, please email me at [email protected]

Personal Death Preparation Package

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